Cosmetic Vaginal Surgery > Excess Prepuce Reduction (clitoral hoodectomy)
The prepuce or the clitoral hood is located directly over the clitoris and acts as a protective barrier to the clitoris. Excess prepuce is actually excessive clitoral hood and is not a second layer but the same original clitoral hood, which is just excessive. It is not a second structure just an abundance of the same structure and usually helps to completely cover the clitoris.Excess prepuce is not usually removed but only reduced so the patient can have easier access to the clitoral gland for stimulation.The reduction of the excessive prepuce is called "clitoral hood reduction or clitoral hoodectomy." Most often this procedure is performed for functional reasons.
Before Excess Prepuce
Clitoral Hoodectomy
After Excess Prepuce
Clitoral Hoodectomy
S.S. 36 y.o. Wichita, SS
Clitoral Hoodectomy

Clitoral Hoodectomy

S.S. 36 y.o. Wichita, SS
Before Excess Prepuce
Clitoral Hoodectomy
After Excess Prepuce
Clitoral Hoodectomy
BJ 32 y.o. Naples, FL
Clitoral Hoodectomy

Clitoral Hoodectomy

Before Excess Prepuce
Clitoral Hoodectomy
After Excess Prepuce
Clitoral Hoodectomy
NM 35 y.o. Las Vegas, Nevada
Clitoral Hoodectomy

Clitoral Hoodectomy